Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Never Ending Game of Jenga

It all started out with a harmless game of Jenga.
8:23 p.m
As you can see, the game is already well underway.

9:28 p.m.
Stay calm, hold steady

10:28 p.m.
Husband prematurely celebrating his victory in the background

10:48 p.m.
A little yoga might help

11:21 p.m.


11:33 p.m.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Too Tired To Walk

When you've been at Ikea for 10 hours, there is only 1 thing left to do.

Take a ride on the merchandise.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Paper

I love the days when paper arrives in a big box on my doorstep.
I know I'll never run out of big boxes or packing peanuts.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Buttons

I'm so super excited about my new logo buttons! A big thanks to minepress for the easy process, the super fast turnaround time, and the great new custom pieces that arrived yesterday.Now shipping with every order from the shop!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today is a rainy day. The kind where the only thing worth doing is curling up with a book or a movie on a soft couch and a cup of tea. Everything should be put on hold on days like today.
Alas, the world will not stop for me and my tea drinking, movie watching habits. Here is some randomness for your Friday afternoon...
1. My mother-in-law and I have have been humming/whistling/singing the Pink song "So What". We are normally the John Denver/Cat Stevens/Simon and Garfunkel listeners. We are quite sure that Pink is out to drive us crazy with her catchy rhythm and lyrics. Curse you Miss Pink...get out of my head.
2. I am going to a cake walk tonight at the local elementary school. You know, where the band plays music, you walk around in a circle, and if the music stops when you land on the right number you win a cake. Anyone else do this sort of thing on a Friday night?
3. I went to the library last weekend and bought about 120 kids books for...get ready...brace yourself...$5. No, not $500 or $50.....FIVE DOLLARS. I kid you not. They were handing out brown bags and the deal was, fill it up for one dollar. I really stuffed those bags full. Got about 30-40 books per bag. Good books too. Like hardback ones that retail for over $10 a piece. I might have to do a book a week sort of thing. My future kids will be so lucky!
4. That's all I've got. Life calls. Bills to pay. Invitations to print. Wood floors to sand one last time. Have a great weekend!