Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Freebie Photo Shoot

One of my goals for 2010 is to take more photos. Better photos. I need the practice. I want crisp, clean images that I can be proud of and that people will enjoy seeing.
At the beginning of January I posted a proposition on my facebook page. Send me a message if you want a freebie photo shoot. I'll get practice...you'll get a facebook photo album. I got several interested friends within minutes.
This past Saturday I met up with my first freebie shoot "customers". It was a cold and foggy Ohio morning with a beautiful couple who loves their little 9 month old.

So...tell me what you think. Any comments/suggestions for a relative newbie.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

beautiful photos. I esp like the side profile if the baby (with the hat on) and the color photo of the parents holding the baby's hands. So precious.